Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

The phrase globalization has become distributed and a popular subject concern in any domestic and international discussion in different fields. Higher activity is not an exception.

Globalization concept generates several implications not only for economic growth but also political and ethnic utilization inter alia the role of higher activity in the utilization of the nation-state.

Thus under
standing of this term has made people vis-à-vis policymakers and scholars over the world to respond with the needs and consequences of globalization to the society especially in technology transfer and aggregation technology.

Globalization of higher activity is digit of the major trends of utilization in the academic world. It takes some forms to name but a few, digit is the rapid evolvement of transnational education, coupled as it is with the advent of new activity providers, mainly on the basis of aggregation technologies.

The another is the increased mobility of Staff and students, as well as of study programmes. As a consequence of such new development, the structure knowledge is educationally provided and qualifications awarded tend to become global.

In order to produce aggregation and technology-based society educational grouping has been unnatural to change its traditional or local structure in teaching and learning methodology to an international and global structure to produce human resources that imperishable to new world challenges.

The globalization of the economy requires a different activity that enhances the ability of learners to access, assesses, adopt and administer knowledge, to conceive apace and independently, to collaborate to others and another coupler characteristics that can foster the economy.

In another words, educational grouping in this new era should be able to produce not only scholar and intellectual but also risk-taker, competitive, technology and information-based society.

Further more, it is relevant to name here the aborning trends of globalization.
•Globalization is not a zero-sum game in which the gains of digit side are the losses of the another side.
•Global trade is a revolving door, not one-way PUSH/PULL.
• Both sides acquire by Export/Import in a win-win situation.
•US living standards rise because workers are constantly unnatural discover of lower-productivity jobs into higher-productivity jobs.

•Every year US destroys 32 meg jobs & creates 32.5 meg jobs of higher productivity.
•The net termination is a richer, more arable US.
•This should happen in India also, making Indian nation & Indian workers rich.

•A humor “Higgletown Heroes” for Disney channel is produced by an all-world supply chain:

•The network of writers is from their homes in Florida, NY, Chicago, LA, San Fran., & London, •Animation of characters in Bangalore by 8 teams working in parallel with 8 writers,
•Design & Direction from San Fransisco,

•Recording in NY & Editing from San Fransisco.

•Today India is digit of the fastest growing Democratic Market Economy.

•The famous Goldman Sachs Report (Dreaming with BRICKS: The path to 2050) states that, among Brazil, Russia, India, and China, India module acquire fastest over the next 30 to 50 years by leveraging its demographic advantages.
•India’s GDP module exceed Italy’s in 2016, France’s in 2019, Germany’s in 2023, and Japan’s in 2032.
•India module become the 3rd largest economy by 2032.

Amidst this backdrop and having highlighted the momentous aspects involved in the challenges of higher activity in India in the context of globalization, it is worthwhile to name in this regard the major reforms to be initiated by the scholarly planners and the government.

The Ten Commandments for Higher activity Reforms are as follows:

•Restructuring value system

•Knowledge, a agency for Wealth and Wisdom
•Research for enhancing capabilities

•Intellectual capital development
•Bench marking for best practices
•Governance through participation

•Societal change-agent
•Globalization agent

•Relationship building

•Creating capabilities and competencies In a nutshell ,

it is evinced that aggregation of home work
is required to found a versatile higher activity activity grouping in order to protect and safeguard the interest of the students community in india.

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